I am Oscar

Generalist Game

I like to think of myself as a generalist programmer.
During my two years at The Game Assembly I’ve dabbled into pretty much every aspect of programming. Turns out, I'm not really tied to any one thing, I enjoy it all, wheter it’s tools, gameplay, graphics… Front end back end… You name it!

VFX System and Editor

During the eight-week period of the specialization course, I've developed a VFX system and Editor in
my own game engine, named Testing Besting Engine. This engine is a beautiful mess that I am very proud of, and if there is anything I want to show you, it’s this page!

Spite: The Mask of Brigitte

Our first game made in our own made engine. Spite is a Diablo like game where i got to mainly work with
the Navmesh system.

On the Goose

Free running game inspired by Mirrors Edge, made in our own engine. This is our seventh game project where i contributed with
light setting, shadows and culling of objects.

Limu the Dream Child

Puzzle mobile game made in Unity. TGA game project two.
This is where i properly understood how to work and utilize the Unity Engine. In this project i contributed with handling
transformation math such as rotation.

Magical Girl Delivery Service

Our third project in the schools “in house engine” using C++. In this project i dabbled in both gameplay and collision handling.